Werebear form is also great to debuff enemies, which makes fights go a bit faster. Using Earth Spike can stun enemies, allowing you to fling a couple of other crowd control spells like Storm Strike, which will inflict enemies with Vulnerability. While Werewolf form does have a decent amount of close range attacks, it isn’t as effective against more than a few enemies at a time. When it comes to taking down groups of enemies, using different kinds of elemental spells is essential. You can further enhance the power of your skills through the use of aspects, passive skills that are found on gear that you can remove and reapply on better gear. You can mix and match these skills to your own preferences, but keep in mind that each form - Werewolf and Werebear - have unique passives that can be invested in through the skill tree itself. For taking down single target enemies, such as World Bosses, shifting into the Werewolf due to its ability to inflect foes with Rabies (which is the Druid’s poison) and heal itself through Debilitating Roar, is essential. You should focus on one of these status ailments for your build. Much like the Barbarian and Rogue, the Druid can utilize skills to Stun, Poison, and make enemies Vulnerable. How to make a great Druid build in Diablo 4

Cataclysm → Prime Cataclysm → Supreme Cataclysm.Elemental Exposure → Charged Atmosphere → Electric Shock → Bad Omen.Poison Creeper → Enhanced Poison Creeper → Brutal Poison Creeper.Debilitating Roar → Enhanced Debilitating Roar → Preserving Debilitating Roar.